Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications is Organized
DELTA formed beginning July 1 under the direction of Dr. Tom Miller while a national search was underway.
Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA) began as an organization under the Provost’s Office. Dr. Thomas Kenan Miller III served as assistant dean for information technology and engineering technologies for the College of Engineering from 1998 until 2000, when he was charged with leading DELTA as its interim leader.
Provost Kermit Hall’s vision for DELTA was to support teaching and learning with technology both on and off campus, including distance education and learning technologies for campus courses and students. With the General Legislature funding of distance education, Provost Hall’s vision was that DELTA should be in a single organizational structure by bringing the Distance Education administrative unit, Learning Technology Services and Video Communication Services together as one. In so doing NC State could meet the legislative mandate for more outreach by distance education, and at the same time increase the university’s capacity for teaching and learning with technology on campus by building an infrastructure that served both needs. Distance education would also provide a strategic growth opportunity for the institution by reaching out with the unique programs which the university offers.