WolfWare Outreach FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of frequently asked questions about WolfWare Outreach. If, after reviewing, you still have unanswered questions you are encouraged to fill out the Get Started form. Existing users can contact their WolfWare Outreach Coordinator (WOC).
What is the WolfWare Outreach service?
WolfWare Outreach (WWO) is an enterprise-level Learning Management System (LMS) supported by DELTA. WWO supports all online, non-credit, fee-based course and program offerings for extension, outreach and engagement activities.
Services include:
- Moodle
- Zoom
- Panopto
- PlayPosit
- Top Hat
- WolfWare WordPress
- WolfWare Email Lists Tool
Who can use the WolfWare Outreach service?
All NC State faculty, staff and units/organizations involved in university business may use the WolfWare Outreach (WWO) service. Additionally, government entities may use the WWO service, which is fee-based. Please complete the Get Started form to set up a consultation.
Why does our university need a separate Learning Management System service for online course, non-credit, fee-based program offerings?
NC State requires non-credit offerings to be self-sustaining without the use of state-appropriated funds. Since DELTA operates the enterprise-level Learning Management System for the university, we are now extending this service for non-credit purposes.
I am interested in offering a non-credit online course or program for a fee. How do I learn more and get started?
If you are new to WolfWare Outreach, please fill out the Get Started form to schedule a consultation. If you are an existing user, please contact your WolfWare Outreach Coordinator for next steps.
Can I use the current Moodle Project server if I offer fee-based, non-credit online offerings?
No. All non-credit, fee-based, online offerings that are external facing must use the WolfWare Outreach Server. The Moodle Project server is only for non-credit, no-fee course and content development and offerings.
Specific use of the Moodle Project server includes internal uses:
- Academic/Student Support: play and test space; course development; resource course (serves one or more academic courses); academic placement exams; orientation courses (both Online and Distance Education and on campus); student organization with employee sponsor.
- University Business Support: Work space for campus initiatives/committees; NC State training/information courses with no charge to participants (e.g. required security training, optional resources/information).
Specific use of the WolfWare Outreach server includes:
- Certification courses for companies
- Training or continuing education that involves a fee
- Special interest topics
- Any course that participants are being charged for even if it is operating under a cost recovery model
What is the difference between non-credit online, Continuing Education or Professional Development offerings and how is it different from credit offerings?
Non-credit online offerings can be either Continuing Education (CE) or Professional Development (PD) offerings.
- Continuing Education (CE) offerings are educational opportunities offered to all ages. Experiences range from courses to conferences to certificate programs. CEUs may be awarded to CE offerings, depending on the course content and instructor. The McKimmon Center awards CEUs for university CE offerings.
Professional Development (PD) offerings addresses the educational needs of people in a broad range of jobs and career fields. PD provides individuals the opportunity to stay current in their current fields, learn new skills, change careers or enhance their marketability. Professional Development Units (PDUs) / Professional Development Hours (PDHs) are awarded by the instructor for a course offering.
Can I use the WolfWare Outreach service if I am seeking a grant or have a partnership contract?
Yes. This may be an allowable expense depending on the grant. Please contact us for more information.
Does WolfWare Outreach include all Learning Management Systems supported by DELTA?
Yes. While a number of tools are supported, not all DELTA supported tools are available on Outreach. Some of the available tools included are Moodle, Zoom, Panopto, Top Hat and PlayPosit.
Who will assist me with understanding and developing a budget and pricing model?
Email the WolfWare Outreach team and they will direct you to the right individuals and/or personally assist you with understanding and developing a budget.
Who should I contact for clarifications/questions regarding the Service-Level Agreement or the WolfWare Outreach Charge Model?
New or potential users should fill out the Get Started form to set up a consultation to review the Service-Level Agreement (SLA) in detail, and discuss any budget and pricing questions.
Existing users, please contact the WolfWare Outreach team with any questions regarding the SLA or the WolfWare Outreach hosting charge model.
How does the WolfWare Outreach hosting charge model work and what can I expect?
Total cost to run a WolfWare Outreach course is the sum of the WolfWare Outreach hosting charge and REPORTER charges, multiplied by the number of registered students on a per student, per course, per year basis.
Please fill out the Get Started form to get assistance with charge models and developing a budget.
How does the billing process work?
New or potential users should fill out the Get Started form to set up a consultation to review invoicing information.
Existing users, please contact your college/unit-assigned WolfWare Outreach Coordinator for invoicing information. If you do not have a designated WOC please contact the WolfWare Outreach team. For billing related questions, please contact Jessie Sova.
Where can I get additional information about developing online, non-credit, fee-based courses and content?
The DELTA knowledge base provides numerous articles, FAQs, video tutorials and other useful resources.
How do course participants get support?
DELTA assists instructors (and WolfWare Outreach Coordinators) with solving problems their participants experience with DELTA technologies (Moodle, Zoom, Mediasite/Panopto, etc.). While we don’t provide direct support to participants, we work through the instructors, or designated program contacts, to make sure problems are resolved quickly.
Students register for WolfWare Outreach courses through REPORTER. How does this registration system work?
All WolfWare Outreach (WWO) courses are integrated with the REPORTER Registration System, which is required use by anyone that uses the WWO service. There is a cost per registration to use this system. Please contact: reporter_support@ncsu.edu to discuss the REPORTER system use for your WW Outreach offerings.
What is a WolfWare Outreach Coordinator (WOC)?
The WolfWare Outreach Coordinator (WOC) is a person designated as the official contact between online, non-credit, fee-based offerings and DELTA, representing a designated NC State college or organization offering non-credit learning opportunities.
This individual must be:
- an employee of NC State
- able to provide an OUC and project number for future charges for this service
- able to determine how non-credit course fees are collected for their area of responsibility.
This individual is ultimately responsible for non-credit program approval and is responsible for ensuring that the instructor adheres to university policies and procedures for course hosting including intellectual property, copyright and any type of privacy compliance. The WOC is also responsible for ensuring their instructors are aware of technology maintenance schedules and any other guidelines conveyed in this Service-Level Agreement.
Current WolfWare Outreach Coordinators.
Contact the WolfWare Outreach Coordinator if you do not have a designated WOC or if you are interested in becoming a WOC for your program or unit.
Does DELTA provide training for WOCs and faculty?
Yes, DELTA offers a variety of training courses, both in person and online.
- Regular Workshops (offered all year)
- Custom Workshops (for small groups)
- Instructional Consultations (1:1)
- Previous Workshops (recordings)
How do I submit requests for a new course space?
Please see the Moodle Admin Guide for information about how to request new course space.
Who should I contact with technology questions?
WolfWare Outreach Coordinators (WOCs) and instructors can contact LearnTech with any technology-related questions.
Where can I find information regarding maintenance windows?
Maintenance information is posted online on the WolfWare website.