Wondering how DELTA can help you to integrate digital learning into your course content and what support we can provide?
DELTA Supports Instructors
Instructional Guidance. Technical Assistance. Funding Opportunities. Whether your course is in-person, hybrid or fully online, DELTA can help you to address your instructional and technical needs. We offer guidance on compliance standard adherence, relevant examples of best practices — and even funding for a select number of courses each year.
DELTA Enhances the Learning Experience
Innovative Technology. Support. Data-Driven Evaluation. DELTA delivers and supports a robust enterprise-level learning technology infrastructure, providing learning technologies for all instructors in traditional and distance education courses. Staff members with instructional media expertise can help educators present course material in creative ways that stimulate learning and engagement in their students.
And, once new concepts and innovative technologies are introduced to your content, DELTA’s research and analysis team can offer data-informed evaluation services. This evaluation process directs actionable improvements and DELTA can also assist with providing a platform to share your success stories with a wider community.