WolfWare Outreach Service Launched for Non-credit Online Learning

In August 2014, DELTA expanded services to include the new WolfWare Outreach LMS (Moodle) service for non-credit online courses and programs. The Senior Vice Provost of Academic Outreach and Entrepreneurship, and DELTA Vice Provost, supported the transition of hosting and services for non-credit programming to a new DELTA Moodle server because of the growing need for enterprise level infrastructure and market share opportunity in non-credit online learning. Sixteen course/program offerings, with more than 3,200+ enrollments, are now hosted on the WolfWare Outreach server, which is 8.5% of DELTA’s hosting support.
Phase I of the pilot, August 2013/14, included the launch of the new service, development of the Steering Committee, identification of organizational representatives (WolfWare Outreach Coordinators), launch of the service and migration of courses from the Textiles Extension server. Phase II is the development of a cost recovery model that will allow DELTA to appropriately use resources and grow the WolfWare Outreach Service for non-credit online education. The goal is to expand the non-credit continuing education and professional development portion of the online learning market.