First Mini-Studio Created

The first mini studio was developed in Distributed and Distance Education utilizing Mediasite. Faculty would be able to record events outside of regularly scheduled class time, such as review sessions, presentations, guest lectures or other special events.
In 2008 DELTA set up a temporary mini studio in Venture IV, but very quickly, DE moved to Venture II where we setup the first mini studio with sound-proof walls and lighting. The mini-studio was a user-friendly environment that required little training and expertise to operate. Instructors and staff across campus commonly used the studio to record:
- lectures (even an entire course)
- exam or topic reviews
- course introductions or overviews
- guest lectures
- any other content you would like to record and deliver online (one of the first examples was Human Resources recording a video about signing up for benefits during open enrollment.)
When DE moved to Partners I, the studio moved there. VCS also has a mini-studio on Main Campus.