Course Inspires Web-based Game for NC State Community

In ANS 110: Equine Science, Dr. Shannon Pratt Phillips sought a way to introduce her students who had never seen a real horse to gain specific knowledge. The idea for a web-based educational game was implemented by a team of DELTA full- and part-time designers and programmers.
About the game: Covering topics from nutrition and horse anatomy to the wide variety of horse breeds and careers, this visually rich learning game puts the student in the role of a newly hired ranch hand. Students start off by learning the basics of horse care. As they advance, they begin to learn about the different careers and caring for different breeds, earning money towards the purchase of their own horse all along. With horse ownership they are introduced to the challenges associated with purchasing a horses, such as identifying a horse’s age and a good conformation, and later, veterinary care and other associated expenses.