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Tim Petty

Associate Vice Provost, Online and Distance Education


Ian T.D. “Tim” Petty received a B.S. degree in biochemistry from the University of Manchester in 1983, and a Ph.D. from Imperial College, London in 1983. Following postdoctoral work in virology at the University of California, Berkeley, he joined the faculty of NC State University in 1990. Dr. Petty is currently professor of biological sciences and serves as associate vice provost for online and distance education (ODE) within the Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA) unit at NC State.

As an associate vice provost at DELTA, he provides leadership as well as administrative responsibility for the university’s ODE programs, including new and developing program support, participation in program review and approval processes, enrollment planning and funding models, and administrative oversight. Dr. Petty has taught classes in virology, and medical microbiology and conducted research in molecular virology. He is an experienced online instructor and served as an ODE program director and a departmental coordinator of ODE programs before joining DELTA.

Dr. Petty is a graduate of the Leadership for a Diverse Campus workshop series at NC State, and was a Faculty Fellow in the Division of Academic Affairs at the University of North Carolina System Office from 2016-17.


B.S. Biochemistry University of Manchester 1983

Ph.D. Imperial College, London 1983