PRT 286: Creating an Online Version of PRT 286 for a Virtual World
PRT 286: Writing and Speaking in Sport Organizations explores concepts related to effective communication within sport organizations. The class is a requirement for all sport management majors that consistently fills to capacity with an extensive waiting list. Instructor Martha Brown wanted to convert and redesign an existing face-to-face course into a fully online Moodle course with more interactive features within the guidelines of the Quality Matters standard. Creating a virtual course offering would both accommodate more students each semester and offer a more flexible learning environment. To accomplish this, Brown turned to DELTA by applying for a Course Design Grant with the goal of meeting more students’ needs while demonstrating the importance of communication skills in virtual learning and working environments.
Instructional Challenges
- Convert a fully-in person class focused on writing and public speaking skill development to a virtual environment
- Incorporate new multimedia instructional components, active learning strategies and learning technologies to create a positive learning experience for all students.
- Create an online environment that allows for carefully led discussions, collaborative group work and opportunity to provide peer review and feedback.
- Created a well-designed QM-compliant fully online Moodle course with orientation materials, new graphics for Moodle, lecture videos and LinkedIn Learning videos.
- Developed two custom DEI-focused instructional videos for practicing interviews.
- Produced an online multimedia environment for students to share presentations and provide feedback to one another.
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