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Author: Cleo Magnuson

Sep 11, 2012

Providing Feedback to Students in an Online Course

Providing feedback is an integral part of teaching. Here are some possible time-saving approaches to providing feedback on student assignments: 

Sep 23, 2011

Lee Crockett on Education in the Age of Disruptive Innovation

Lee Crockett's talk: Living on the Edge: The Age of Disruptive Innovation. How can education expand beyond being an information delivery system? 

Apr 27, 2011

DELTA Online Course Review and Consultation Services

Would you like to have your course reviewed based on the criteria identified in the Quality Matters Rubric? 

Oct 22, 2010

Quality Matters and Course Evaluation

Over the years, DELTA has helped many instructors by reviewing their courses and offering suggestions for improvements. As a next step towards ensuring the quality of online courses, DELTA has been working during the last year to define and establish a course evaluation process for both fully online and blended (face-to-face and online) courses. The… 

Feb 16, 2010

Attrition in DE Courses and Strategies to Increase Retention

Have you heard your colleagues make the following statement? “Students are dropping out of my online course and the numbers are higher than I experienced in my face-to-face course. Why is the attrition rate so high? What can I do to increase retention?” Have you wondered if attrition rates are really higher in distance education (DE) courses? Do you want to know more? Then, read on! 

Oct 15, 2009

Flu-Proof Your Course: Discussions

Coursework in a university depends on a constant dialogue among students and faculty.  Your class depends on the interaction and engagement of your students, and getting students involved in class discussions is important.  But, if illness makes it impossible for some of your students to attend class sessions, how do you keep them engaged and…