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Teaching Strategies for Online Group Work

Appendix B: Donna’s Email to Students about Teamwork

Teaching Strategies for Online Groupwork – Home
Teaching Strategies for Online Groupwork – Annotated Bibliography
Appendix A – Sample Assignment
Appendix B – Sample Email

Hi Everyone,
As you’ve probably noted, this week (and throughout the course) you have a “team” activity. Based on previous classes, I’d like to just share a few tips for helping this work for everyone, though your team can of course decide how you’d like to work through things.

(a) Using the Team Discussion Forum, create your own posting related to your thoughts about your team’s assigned question. Show that you have thought about the question, especially in terms of what you’ve read so far in the class. Every individual is expected to contribute to the team. Posting in the team forum helps document your participation – though of course you all can communicate in other ways.

(b) Try to post your response fairly early during the Module. Keep in mind the consensus posting is due on the last day of the Module, so to give your team time to create the consensus posting, ensure you’ve given input in advance.

(c) You should nominate one team member to post the consensus posting for your team in the appropriate forum. To arrive at the consensus posting, allow time for the team to craft the posting and comment on it. You will be on the same team throughout the course (unless we have to re-organize around any course drops) so taking leadership around questions and/or small learning activities can certainly rotate.

(d) If you are going to be out of town when there is a team assignment, let your teammates know so that you all can successfully work around that. For example, those going out of town may post their work early and then contribute when they return; however you want to work it out with your team.

With good communication, teamwork can be very successful and rewarding because together you will build ideas and artifacts that build on your multiple talents.

Short tip: COMMUNICATION IS KEY! Login and be present for your team.

Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.